a little about me & my work . . . . . . .

"Welcome to Paul Whorlow.com"
(that's me!)
Firstly, thank you kindly for taking the time to stop by & take a look at my work.
Secondly, I hope the work speaks for itself, but, should you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can do that -here- or through social media . . . .
IN BRIEF. . . .
Formally, I was trained at the University of Hertforsdhire, England, from where I graduated to Middlesex University, earning a BA (hons) in Three Dimensional Design- specifically, metal smithing. In the fifteen years since, I've spent much of my time devoted to photography, painting & writing (poetry, travelogues & my Food Website; coming soon!) Recently, a return to my roots has seen me designing & manufacturing various items of furniture & homewares that you can purchase through remadeinbritain.com ETSY or directly from myself.
Currently, I reside on the outskirts of North London with my workshop & studio in Cheshunt, Herts, but, given times of plenty, you'll find me roaming the globe on the hunt for serious food, local liquor, friendly faces & lusty new landscapes.
Furniture & Homewares are
available on my ETSY shop!!
Now selling on
Remade In Britian!!
-Photography & Artwork available through-
Lastly, anytime inspiration ups & leaves me, I turn to someone of indeflatable vigor & verve, such as the magnificent Henry Miller, & remember that . . . . .
“Life becomes a spectacle and, if you happen to be an artist, you record the passing show”
Henry Miller; Tropic of Capricorn